Orchard Development

Orchard Development

We are currently in the process of planting a variety of apple trees across a 5 acre plot on the farm. The end goal is to start making apple juice and sell some of the apples, also to pass the surplus apples on to Wasted Degree's Brewery so that they can make a cider from locally sourced fruits. In 2024 we also started to plant out plum / gage and damson trees as well as moving into planting nut tree varieties and soft fruit bushes to be made into jams and sold at the Glassie Pit Stop which also sells our chickens eggs when we have a surplus.

We have planted these old varieties so far, 2 tree's of each, unless stated otherwise;

Winter 2021 - 2022;
Bloody Ploughman / Stirling Castle / Lass O`Gowrie / Tower of Glamis / Hood`s Supreme / Lord Roseberry / Cambusnethan Pippin / Ribston Pippin.


Winter 2022 - 2023;
Thorle Pippin / Midlothian Blush / Lady Sudeley / Stobo Castle / Coul Blush / Sunset / Beauty of Moray / White Melrose / Cutler Grieve / Worcester Pearmain / Arbroath Oslin / Port Allen Russet / McIntosh Red (4) / Katy (4) / James Grieve (1) / Fiesta (1).
 x3 Early Rivers Plum trees, as a start to the plum collection.


Winter 2023 - 2024;
Apples: Galloway Pippin / Scots Bridget / Scots Dumpling / Red James Grieve.

Plum / Damsons: Merry Weather x1 / Farleigh x1 / Czar x1 

Nuts; Filberts - Cosford x1

Nuts; Cob`s - Webs Prize Wonder / Nottingham

Soft Fruits;  Honey Berry- Aurora / Boreal Beast


Winter 2024 - 2025

Apples: Ribston Pippin x1 / Newton Wonder x1 / Lass O`Gowrie x1 

Golden Monday x2 / Golden Pippin x2 / Lemon Queen x2 

Gages / Plums: Stella`s Star x1 / Cambridge x1 / Oullins Golden x1 / Gordon Castle x2

Nuts; Walnuts x5


Heritage Apples / Plums to get next if possible:

Apples; Lady of the Lake / Lady of Wemyss / Cardinal / Lothian Red  

Plums and Gages; Mirabelle de Nancy / Old Greengage / Imperial Gage


Orchard Development