Farm Biodiversity

Plants; here is a list and a few pictures of plants we have onsite.

Flowers; Alpine Ladies Mantle Autumn Hawkbit / / Bell Heather / Bluebell / Broom / Cats Ear / Common Birdsfoot-trefoil / Common Dog-violet / Common Knapweed / Common Monkey Flower / Common Nettle / Common Poppy / Common Sorrel / Common Speedwell / Common Spotted Orchid / Cowslip /  Daisy / Devils Bit Scabious / Dog Rose / Field Forget-me-knot / Fox Glove / Germander Speedwell / Ground Elder / Heath Bedstraw / Heath Wood Rush / Heather / Harebell / Honeysuckle / Ladies Bedstraw / Lesser Stitchwort / Marsh Marigold / Marsh Violet / Meadow Buttercup / Meadow Crane`s-bill / Meadowsweet / Meadow Vetchling / Oxeye Daisy / Pignut / Primrose /  Ragged-Robin / Red Campion / Red Clover / Red Emperor / Ribwort Plantain / Rosebay Willowherb / Salvia Marvel Blue / Selfheal / Sheep`s Sorrel / Shepherd`s Purse / Snowdrop / Tormentil / Tufted Vetch / Vetch / Verbena Venosa / Welsh Poppy / White Clover / Wood Anemone / Wood-sorrel / Yarrow / Yellow Iris / Yellow Rattle (58 at present)

Grasses and Sedges; Brown Bent / Chewing`s Fescue / Common Bent / Crested Dogs-tail / Mat Grass / Meadow Foxtail / Purple Moor Grass / Sheep`s Fescue / Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass / Sweet Vernal Grass / Wavy Hair Grass /  (11 at present)

Lichens / Mosses and Ferns

List coming soon

Birds; this is a list of birds seen onsite, with some pictures where possible.

Barn Owl / Black Bird / Blue Tit / Bullfinch / Carrion Crow / Chaffinch / Coal Tit / Common Buzzard / Crossbill / Cuckoo / Dipper / Dunnock / Fieldfare / Goldfinch / Goshawk / Great Tit / Green Finch / Grey Heron / Grey Wagtail / Hen Harrier / Hobby / House Martin / House Sparrow / Jackdaw / Jay / Kestrel / Linnet / Long-tailed Tit / Mallard Ducks / Meadow Pipit / Mistle Thrush / Nuthatch / Osprey / Pheasants / Pied Wagtail / Raven / Red Kite / Red-legged Partridge / Robin / Siskins / Skylark / Snipe / Song Thrush / Sparrow Hawk / Spotted Flycatcher / Spotted Woodpecker / Starling / Stonechat / Swallow / Swift / Tawny Owl / Tree Creeper / Wheatear / Wood Pigeon / Woodcock / Wren / Yellow Hammer / (57 so far listed)

Farm Regeneration Plan

Fungi; we have a great variety of Fungi onsite, here are some pictures.

Common Fieldcap / False Chanterelle / Fly Agaric / Hoof Fungus / Honey Fungi / Horse Mushroom / Miller / Porcini (Cep)/ Shaggy Parasol /  

Mammals and Reptiles; here we have a few pictures taken onsite. 

Badger / Brown Hare / Pine Martin / Rabbit / Red Squirrel / Stoat

Farm Regeneration Plan

Invertebrates; we will break this vast section down later, but just getting started with recording them. 

Butterflies; Large White / Orange Tip / Painted Lady / Peacock / Red Admiral / Small Tortoiseshell / Ringlet

Moths ; Autumnal Rustic / Black Rustic / Common Marbled Carpet / Dark Arches / Gold Spangle / Lesser Swallow Prominent Lesser Yellow Underwing / / Muslin Moth / Sallow / Silver Y / Six Striped Rustic / Square Spot Rustic / White Plume / 

Caterpillars; Peacock Butterfly / Tiger Moth  

Bees and Wasps: Common Carder Bee / Common Wasp / Cuckoo Bee / Large Garden Bumblebee / Ruby-tailed Wasp

Beetles ; Black Slug / Click Beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) / Common Earwig / Copse Snail / Dor Beetle / Pine Weevil / Sexton Beetle / 7-Spot-Ladybird / Two-Banded Longhorn Beetle / Woodlice 

Others; Bird Louse-fly / Bluebottle Fly / Common Froghopper / Crane Fly / Greenbottle Fly / Hover Fly / Scorpian Fly / Sheep Tick / Zebra Spider